OK people. Looks like I'm back. But I haven't told anyone that I'm blogging so really this is just for me, because I do write in my journal, but I honestly can't read my handwriting most of the time, so this is a good way to be able to look back at things and reflect, eh?
I usually dog on people with blogs, but then I caught myself reading people's blogs and realized I actually like them. So here goes nothing.
Well now I'm really kind of nervous, like what should I record in my first blog of 2012?? It's been so long! I'm getting all nostalgic for Spain since the last time I blogged I was there. Let's start with that. How I really want to go back to Spain. I'm not impartial to Spain though, I think I just have this fire under my toosh to go anywhere! I'm not sure why. I'm working through the psychology behind that now... am I trying to escape something or run away from real life? which not only bores me but also seems to continually force me to know myself better/expose messy parts of myself that I can't cover up when I'm not always looking forward to the next big thing? Or is my desire to go far away and my fascination with people of different cultures from the Lord? Perhaps a little of both. But one thing's for sure as of now, as I'm constantly dwelling on the uncertainty of my future and purpose, I am exactly where the Lord wants me to be. As Christian's, we are called to seek the Lord in every chapter of life, and bring glory to Him all the while searching for what the world see's as our "purpose". Recently I listened to a sermon talking about time, and how we, on Earth perceive everything based on this time capsule. I so often forget that the Lord doesn't work that way!! There is no end in the big picture! I hope if anyone out there is reading this and concerned about their vocation, they would remember that our life isn't really ours. If we seek Him daily, He will see His sovereign plan through, and our life won't be about what we can get out of it, what WE can accomplish (even if it is for Him)..No, we have to let Him put us where we belong, for His glory and His kingdom. That is really where we will be most fulfilled, anyways! It's funny how we think we can figure it all out on our own.. Enough of that future talk!!
I think that's pretty good for a first entry back to the blogging world. I can only take so much in one day. But I believe this is a good hobby, so I really want to try and start doing this more! K. over and out.
I love your new hobby! I so love seeing the wonderful young woman you are. Just know I will always make you frozen waffles any time you want:)