I'm cooooooold and I never gonna get warm!! Can't find mi guantes. My gloves. I don't even like blogging beucase I have to do it in English for all you peopl ewho don't know spanish. just kidding, it's a nice break from having to use mi mente all day. my mind. that's one thing I've noticed since being here though; you get in the habit of thinking of the spanish word for everything if speaking in English. mayyyybe thats why I have a headache 24/7 here or mayyybe thats why I can't seem to get enough sleeeeeep. or maybe thats why i dont give a hoot about my punctuation and typos. one day ima go back and correct it all. mmhmm. JUANITA's bday was monday. Thats Jane Anne, by the way. I was calling her juana, or juan, but then Pilar said that was an ugly nick name. She said Juanita suited her much better. Then I told Pilar i loved to give people nicknames and that i usually take the first letter of their name and add money or dog to it. So ima call her p-perro. like pdog. and juanita gonna call her p-dinero. We'll see how she likes that. But back to juanitas bday. we had a 3 hr film class where we watched a movie called language of the butterflies. I like that class but staying awake is gonna be a struuuugle. then we went to this irish pub place to celebrate with some people! it was so cool and theres a real fire and a fireplace so we foo shoo gon be hittin that up again. then we came home and pmoney had prepared a torta de queso for juanita! how sweet. reminded me of home-- shout out, BRO. your cheesecake's still my fave, dont worry. even though who am i kidding, you aren't following my blog. mom, tell ben that. yesterday we went to madrid to meet a family friend that's lived here a while so she gave us some pointers. We have no class today!! love wednesdays now. so we just took our time getting to campus for a pointless meeting. on the way we stopped at this store, it was so great. they have these stores called chinos that are run by chinese people obviously and they sell everything for real cheap. i bought a 2011 space jam planner and some notebooks. the chinese lady gave me and jane some free suckers that were gross. we accidentally told her we were sisters. OH and then we just stumbled into mcdonalds so we figured we'd get a diet coke. mcdonalds always has the BEST fountain diet coke, isn't that right Mrs. Paige?! but not in alcalá. mine was flat sadd day. good thing a size large drink here is like the size of a kiddy drink in America. next entyr gonna be less sloppy for sure an dmore organized mhmm
JUANY is TWANY (years old)
got to get you a gooooooood diet coke!!!!